
Culture and Heritage

London’s Jewish culture and heritage is of profound importance both to the capital itself and to the international Jewish community. London is home to architectural gems like the New West End Synagogue and Bevis Marks Synagogue, while Jewish culture thrives in the capital with institutions such as the JW3 Jewish community centre, the Jewish Museum, the UK Jewish Film FestivalJewish Book Week and Chanukah in the Square.

We therefore welcome recognition within City Hall’s cultural strategy, including support for Chanukah in the Square, and support the assembly’s desire for public events and festivals to deliver community engagement and strengthen the visitor economy.

Despite this, many historic centres of Jewish life have been lost as communities have gradually moved away from East London and into other parts of the capital. It is of paramount importance that a co-ordinated effort is made by City Hall and the respective Local Authorities to preserve these key historical sites, such as current and past synagogues, monuments and blue plaques celebrating Jewish individuals in East London.

The commitment to produce a Heritage Strategy as part of the current draft London Plan is welcome. Given how the centre of Jewish population has shifted in the capital over the last century, any such strategy should reflect that stakeholders in heritage are not just local residents, but all those for whom that heritage tells an important story.

Support for institutions that provide education on that heritage – such as the Jewish Museum – is critical.

We’re asking London’s politicians to make the following pledges:

Pledge 1:

To ensure faith-based bodies and events that celebrate Jewish culture and history in London, such as Chanukah in the Square, are fully supported by City Hall through the continuing provision of funds and GLA endorsement.

Pledge 2:

Ensure that the upcoming Heritage Strategy from the Mayor of London takes into account the heritage of all who have a stake in it, including from communities that no longer live in close proximity to it.