
The London Jewish Forum, founded in 2006, is an advocate for the capital’s Jewish community,campaigning and influencing change in parliament,City Hall and the local borough councils, institutions that make decisions affecting the lives of Jewish Londoners every day. Rooted within Jewish values, we work across the community regardless of religious,cultural or political affiliations or beliefs,ensuring thatJewish Londoners have a say over the great city in which they lead their lives.

Education and Young People

Lifelong learning is a concept that perhaps unites all streams of Judaism and Jewish communities. It manifests itself in London’s...

Community Safety, Cohesion and Antisemitism

London is a vibrant multicultural capital, in which all components of the Jewish community rightly play an integral and confident...

Health and Social Care

London’s Jewish community is considered one of the most vibrant and well-established faith groups monitored in the capital, but over...

Culture and Heritage

Jewish culture in London continues to thrive and makes a significant contribution to the lives of those both inside and...

Housing and Planning

The pressure on housing in London continues to be a significant and diverse issue for the capital’s population, and this...


Given that the housing pressures in London will take many years to resolve, transport choices are important in linking Jewish...

Social Action

The Jewish community has a vibrant social action and social justice sector. It is proud of organisations as diverse as...


In the 21st century, Israel is a focal point for Jewish life worldwide. A plurality of Jews globally – more...

Holocaust Education and Commemoration

As the number of Londoners with living memories of the Holocaust continues to fall, Holocaust education and commemoration is more...